I'm a musician who makes low-quality music (but that's not accurate).
I make songs in different genres, but mostly it's about EDM and experimental.
Have question? - Write me on PM here or Ask.fm

Age 20, Male

Joined on 1/31/18

Exp Points:
875 / 900
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5.16 votes
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> 100,000
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It's been quite a while since I posted my first track this year. Yes, many people liked it, which makes me a little happy. However, nowadays my skills in creating music are simply not enough to compete with other equally famous musicians. But, I’m not talking about that now.

Let me start with the fact that at the moment my condition has changed extremely from what it was before 2020-2021. Then I really felt an interest in creating music, each time I tried to diversify my tracks and released new ones. You evaluated them, commented on them, and I was undoubtedly happy about this, because my works are really interesting to someone. But as I got more involved, my mental state began to decline. I began to think more and more about the future of my activity, namely: will I make money from my music or will I make it free for use anywhere until the end? But at first I did it for free and without restrictions on use...

And so it happened. Towards the end of 2021, my mental state failed and I postponed my activity for some indefinite period. And throughout 2022, I was exclusively busy with my studies and personal affairs, as well as the problems that I had to face. But creating music still did not let me go and I often thought about it, afraid in the future to get a regular job and become an ordinary worker and a person suffering from this (I really didn’t want to work at a regular job all the time and get up for it in the morning, I wanted freedom of action in this life)...

Therefore, starting this year, I began to study music distribution, namely how to distribute it, get money from it, be heard and protect it from theft. Also improve the skills of its creation, namely: the use of effects, proper mastering, equalization, automation and writing patterns that combine with each other. Along the way, I also thought about purchasing professional equipment for music: studio monitors, studio headphones, an external professional audio interface, a powerful computer, and the overall design of my future studio. At least I was able to purchase only a computer and more or less normal headphones from this list (alas, not studio ones, but they sound better than the previous ones) and I’m glad that I was able to get a more powerful tool for creating music that will hold up well when playing a large number of VSTs, and not drown, producing continuous crackling and brakes in the sound.

Let's summarize. At the moment, I am still in one place with my studies, personal affairs and, accordingly, it is quite difficult for me to combine music with studies, since it makes itself felt all the time and I have to devote more time to it than to everything else. Also, as I studied distribution mechanisms, I became interested in other genres, such as House, Synthwave, Techno and Trance. Lately I've been mainly listening to the Trance genre exclusively, as I was very surprised by its unusual and uplifting sound, so in the future I may have to start a second pseudonym where I will focus exclusively on one of these genres (or maybe two if I’m very interested). You will find out about all this... someday.

While I can't draw any conclusions, I'd better sort out my studies by finishing them, and then I'll start my main activity - music...

Feel free to ask me anything by writing it here in the comments, or on my Ask.fm.

I will try to answer your questions, but I cannot guarantee that I will answer all of them.

In any case, thank you for supporting and possibly supporting me all this time!

See you! (some day...)


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Recent Game Medals

165 Points

Jack Frost 5 Points

Freeze 100 castle pieces.

Electric Boogaloo 5 Points

Electrocute 5 enemies in one shot.

Oh The Humanity! 5 Points

Burn 5 enemies in one shot.

Pyromaniac 5 Points

Burn 100 castle pieces.

Last Laugh 5 Points

Kill the Jester last on any level.

Bombastic 5 Points

Explode 100 castles pieces.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

December 25th 25 Points

Open the twenty-fifth present!

Larry 5 Points

from LARRY

Pico 5 Points

from Pico's School