Hi all, I hope that you have this terrible month passes more or less normally...
It's already the 8th day of this month. I will say that I have it sometimes difficult, but at the same time and good.
This month I won't have time to do any new song, because in order to start it, I need to carefully prepare for it, I have a lot of different ideas in my head, but almost most of them I can't translate into reality just because of my great laziness, because you need to make a good melody, bass, drums, and so on. But over time, it became clear to me that this turned out to be quite a difficult task and requires a lot of patience and a certain attitude.
But many may ask me: "Do you want to leave this?!". I will answer: "No.". At one point, it seems to me that if you try to do different things every year and learn from mistakes, there is a chance to make songs much better and more diverse than before. So I don't want to leave here for a while yet, so I'm still trying to do what's really possible for me.
By the way, thank you all for your support, because it really gives some motivation to do something else and more.
I'm sorry if I bothered you, but I think that at this time you need to focus on your studies, because after successfully completing it, you can build your successful future and find a good high-paying job.
Thank you for everything you did for me, I always appreciate it!
See you guys soon! Good luck to all!!! :)
P.S. Special thanks to users:
If you would also like to get here, try to leave a lot of good comments under my new songs, I sometimes come here to check and answer them.
Ah i feel the same about this month
I HATE September (Not the birthdays tho)
I'm thinking the same thing :)